Monday 30 March 2020

Being Positive in times of Corona

These testing times where the world is plagued with a life threatening illness and everyone seems helpless about it feels like a scene straight out of a Hollywood movie. In fact there was a movie named "Contagion" based on the reality we all are facing today. There is uncertainty about our health, our jobs, health of our loved ones and its okay to be anxious and feel overwhelmed about it. I guess, most of us feel so and its pretty normal. But we do have to hold our horses and make a conscious effort to get through the end of this tunnel, in One Healthy Piece.
Staying positive can be a task in these challenging times, so I have tried to come up with notes that can help as an anchor in days to come
1. Treasure the value of CONNECTION.

Toughest times reveal true identities of people close to you. We can take this time to evaluate who needs our attention and care and who is responsive to our love and affection to determine who we want in our lives.

2. This is not ETERNAL

The uncertainties we are going through now will not last forever. Time and tide changes so be grateful for the good ones and accepting of the bad times.
3. Cherish the LITTLE THINGS
If we miss something we were used to seeing, doing, or being, we will begin to notice the little things we miss in particular about that person, place, or thing which we missed noticing earlier. Count this as a sign to be grateful for what we have now and as a reminder to honor the little things, once we are back to our normal routine. 
Our lives have taken a 360 degree and that too without our permission. We have been presented with a different view towards life. Lets take this time to pay attention to what we see now and how we feel about it.
5. Don't Fuck up on your FEELINGS
Don't be under the pressure of "Make the most" out of lock-down. This extra time on our hands has given us endless possibilities to take up some courses, create artwork, have meaningful conversations with people we haven't had in years etc etc. But lets not allow these possibilities to pile pressure on us. We humans are gritty and want to rise above our circumstances but we need to slow down and feel our emotions, give ourselves permission to grieve, feel what is happening around us and be humbled by it. Its okay to be messy, not to know what happens next.
"You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world...but you do have some say in who hurts you.
I LIKE MY CHOICES." - John Green (The Fault in our Stars)


Pushpa Damodhara said...

Splendid ������������ Shikha sharma
Your words are giving me positive vibes at this point.

Pushpa Damodhara said...

Great work

The Parabola Blog said...

Thanks dear!!Happy to help