Thursday 16 April 2015

Life and all that Jazz

After working 7 years full time, I have embarked upon the role of being the lady of the house. Yes, I prefer being addressed this way and not the cliched "Housewife" because it demeans the existence of women who stay at home, do zillion other things and yet other house-members remain thankless to her, at the end of the day. And when you do spend these many years working, the daily routine gets into your skin. The realization of happiness in doing nothing, doing impromptu things, carelessness, lazing around leisure time do not dawn upon. Initially it feels like being Alice in Wonderland  because you no longer have to squeeze in a couple of days work into couple of hours, failing at it mostly-then thinking what went wrong-trying again-having tea-failing again-having tea-putting it on to next day chronic work schedules.

While at it you get so lost in making the money cycle go around, that you forget to notice the iota of things happening around, not making enough time for your loved ones. Yet the concept of weekend amuses me as half of it is spent dreading Mondays. Though a mere thought of change from this schedule will give jitters to some but having experiencing the change myself its not that a bad thing at all. Because we all have the Fear of Change.

So while experiencing this side of the life, my heart goes out to all the mothers who have untiringly taken upon the onus of turning the house into a home, provide for everybody's comfort. Yet,  I constantly think whether I will be so giving  because that is something the corporate world does not teach you.

Sometimes thinking too much spoils the moment hence life should mostly be in be action mode. When you feel, you don't have much action up your sleeves, try getting into unknown territory and learn the intricacies of it. The territory I am in currently (being the lady of the house) was hitherto unknown to me but it has given me some openings in life and I am ready to embrace more of it.
Now that the monthly handsome thousands have ceased to stop at my bank account's gate, I am adhering to the adage

Spend to learn, How to earn!

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